nlon = number of grid points along the longitude axis (1st dimension)
[integer, default: nlon = 0]
nlat = number of grid points along the latitude axis (2nd dimension)
[integer, default: nlat = 0]
nlev = number of vertical levels
[integer, default: nlev = 0]
pref = initial surface pressure in pascals
[real, default: pref = 1000.e2]
tref = initial temperature in deg kelvin
[real, default: tref = 255.]
equal_vert_spacing = Should the levels be equally spaced in sigma or
spaced using the formula of Smagorinski (1965).
[logical, default: equal_vert_spacing = .true.]
topog_option = How to compute topography. Possible values are:
'FLAT' -- no topography,
'FILE' -- read topography from a data file,
'GAUSS' -- gaussian topography generated using
the module gaussian_mod.
[character, default: topog_option='FLAT']
topog_file = Name of topography restart file in topog_option='FILE'.
The file may be native or NetCDF. If NetCDF the name
must have the .nc suffix.
[character, default: topog_file=' ']
1) If nlon, nlat, or nlev are not specified the program will terminate.
2) There is no option for the hybrid or eta coordinate.
All vertical coordinates use the pure sigma system.
FATAL errors in bgrid_cold_start_mod
resolution not specified
One of two possible problems may have occurred.
1) Must specify values for namelist variables: nlon, nlat, nlev.
2) If you expected to read a restart file, the restart was probably
not found and the model has inadvertently tried to generate one.
incorrect resolution or no fis field in netcdf topography file
While attemping to read the geopotential height field from
a netcdf topography file one of two conditions occurred.
1) A field named "fis" was not found, or
2) The horizontal resolution of "fis" did not agree
with the model resolution.
incorrect resolution in topography file
The resolution read from a native formatted topography
file did not agree with the model resolution.
restart file for topography does not exist
The file name given by namelist variable "topog_file"
does not exist.
invalid value for topog_option
Valid namelist values are: 'FLAT', 'FILE', or 'GAUSS'.
Initial data (momentum,temperature,surface pressure) are computed as:
u = 0.0
v = 0.0
t = tref
ps = pref * exp( -fis / (tref * Rd) )
where, fis = geopotential height at surface (m2/s2)
Rd = dry gas constant
tref, pref = namelist parameters
NETCDF (fields needed):
fis = surface geop height in m2/s2
res = recipocal of eta(surface) - optional, default=1
NATIVE (format):
record 1: ires, jres ! integer
record 2: fis(1:ires,1:jres) ! real, surf geop height (in m2/s2)
record 3: res(1:ires,1:jres) ! real (optional, default=1)