This module uses the interfaces of the FMS diagnostics manager
(diag_manager), which provides support for NetCDF and distributed
memory systems. This also allows dynamical variables to be saved
with variables from other parts of the (atmospheric) model.
The user controls file names, output interval, time averaging,
data packing, and many other features through the diagnostics
manager diag_table.
One of the functions of this module is to initialize the atmospheric
model's diagnostic axes. The axis identification returned by this
module is then used throughout the atmospheric model wherever
diagnostic fields are saved (e.g., the physics).
A second function of this module is to initialize and save the
dynamical core's prognostic fields, their time tendencies, and
several computed quantities. For a complete list of fields that
can be saved see the diagnostic fields section.
use bgrid_diagnostics_mod [, only: bgrid_diagnostics_init,
bgrid_diagnostics_tend ]
Must be called to initialize the module.
Also, axis identifiers (for the diag_manager) are returned.
The static fields (zsurf, res, ...) are saved to the output file.
Should be called at the end of every time step.
Outputs the prognostics variables, omega, wind speed, divergence,
and vorticity. The time passed to bgrid_diagnostics will used to
determine if the output fields should be written.
Should be called every time step immediately after dynamics..
Outputs the tendencies of the prognostics variables due to the
Diagnostic fields may be output to a netcdf file by specifying the
module name dynamics and the desired field names (given below)
in file diag_table. See the documentation for diag_manager.
Diagnostic fields for module name: dynamics
field name field description
---------- -----------------
bk vertical coordinate eta value
pk vertical coordinate pressure value (Pascals)
zsurf height of the surface (m)
res reciprocal of eta at the surface
alm actual longitudes for temperature grid (degrees_E)
aph actual latitudes for temperature grid (degrees_N)
ps surface pressure (Pascals)
slp sea level pressure (Pascals)
ucomp zonal wind component (m/s)
vcomp meridional wind component (m/s)
temp temperature (deg_k)
theta potential temperature (deg_k)
pres_full pressure at full model levels (pascals)
pres_half pressure at half model levels (pascals)
omega omega vertical velocity (pascals/sec)
wspd wind speed (m/s)
div divergence (1/s)
vor relative vorticity (1/s)
mfew zonal mass flux (Pascals-m2/s)
mfns meridional mass flux (Pascals-m2/s)
ucomp_sq zonal wind component squared (m2/s2)
vcomp_sq meridional wind component squared (m2/s2)
temp_sq temperature squared (deg_K**2)
omega_sq omega vertical velocity squared (Pa**2/s**2)
ucomp_vcomp zonal times meridional wind components (m2/s2)
omega_temp omega vertical velocity times temperature (Pascals*deg_K/sec)
udt_dyn zonal wind tendency for dynamics (m/s2)
vdt_dyn meridional wind tendency for dynamics (m/s2)
tdt_dyn temperature tendency for dynamics (deg_k/sec)
trname tracers concentrations
trname_dt_dyn tracers tendencies for dynamics
1) bk, pk, zsurf, res, alm, aph are static variables
2) In this version, div, vor are recomputed for diagnostics
3) The names for tracer tendencies are determined from the tracer names.
The short names will be appended with "_dt_dyn", the long names are
modified to indicated a tendency for dynamics, and the units are
appended with "/s".
4) All available diagnostic tracer fields will be printed to the logfile.