Contact: Isaac Held, Bruce Wyman Reviewers: Change history: WebCVS Log for forcing.f90
Routines for computing heating and dissipation for "Held-Suarez" benchmark integration of a dry GCM
fms_mod constants_mod time_manager_mod diag_manager_mod field_manager_mod tracer_manager_mod
use forcing_mod [,only: forcing_init, & forcing ] forcing_init : initializes module forcing : adds tendencies to existing tendencies Notes: Optional namelist input can be read from file input.nml. Diagnostic fields are specified in file diag_table. No restart files are needed or generated by this module. No data files are needed.
call forcing_init ( axes, Time ) INPUT: axes -- integer, dimension(4) axis indices (x,y,zfull,zhalf) returned by module diag_manager_mod Time -- type(time_type) the current time
call forcing ( is, ie, js, je, dt, Time, lat, phalf, pfull, u, v, t, r, um, vm, tm, rm, udt, vdt, tdt, rdt [, mask, kbot] ) INPUT: is, ie, js, je, dt, Time, lat, p_half, p_full, u, v, t, r is, ie, js, je -- integer, scalar global indices of the data window being passed dt -- real, scalar the time step (seconds) Time -- type(time_type) the current time lat -- real, dimension(:,:) latitudes of grid points in radians phalf -- real, dimension(:,:.:) half_level pressures (Pa) pfull -- real, dimension(:,:.:) full_level pressures (Pa) size(p_full,3) = size(p_half,3)-1 u, v, t -- real, dimension(:,:.:) full level zonal wind (m/s), meridional wind(m/s), temperature (K), size(u,3) = size(v,3) = size(t,3) = size(p_full,3) r -- real, dimension(:,:.:,:) full level tracers size(r,3) = size(p_full,3) size(r,4) = number of tracers IN/OUT: udt, vdt, tdt -- real, dimension(:,:,:) udt = du/dt = tendency of u (m/(s^2)), etc output has heating and friction added to input tendencies rdt -- real, dimension(:,:.:,:) tendency of tracers OPTIONAL INPUT: mask, kbot mask -- real, dimension(:,:,:) step-mountain/eta coordinate field mask kbot -- real, dimension(:,:) index of lowest model level (adjacent to step-mountain surface)
(all values listed are default values) (TE = radiative equilibrium -- see Held and Suarez) logical :: no_forcing = .false. Turns off all Held Suarez physics. (Interfaces become dummy routines) This switch facilitates code development and testing. real :: delh = 60. (K) horizontal TE contrast from equator to pole real :: t_zero = 315. (K) TE at equator at surface real :: t_strat = 200. (K) stratospheric temperature real :: delv = 10. (K) parameter controling static stability of TE real :: eps = 0.0 (K) not in Held and Suarez (2*eps = TE difference between NP and SP ( TE => TE + eps*sin(lat) ) damping times units are (1/s) , value is inverse of damping time, if positive (days), value is damping time, if negative real :: ka =-40.0 radiative damping above the planetary boundary layer real :: ks =-4.0 radiative damping within the planetary boundary layer real :: kf =-1.0 frictional (Rayleigh) damping within the planetary boundary layer real :: sigma_b = 0.7 top of planetary boundary layer in sigma coordinates logical :: do_conserve_energy =.true. if true, kinetic energy dissipated by friction is added to enthalpy, to conserve energy real :: trflux = 1.e-5 ! surface flux for optional tracer real :: trsink = -4. ! damping time for tracer
Diagnostic fields may be output to a netcdf file by specifying the module name identifier forcing and the desired field names (given below) in file diag_table. See the documentation for diag_manager.
Diagnostic fields for module name identifier: forcing field name field description ---------- ----------------- teq equilibrium temperature (deg_K) tdt_ndamp temperture tendency for newtonian damping (deg_K/sec) udt_rdamp zonal wind tendency for rayleigh damping (m/s2) vdt_rdamp meridional wind tendency for rayleigh damping (m/s2) tdt_diss_rdamp Dissipative heating from Rayleigh damping (deg_K/sec) diss_heat_rdamp Integrated dissipative heating for Rayleigh damping (W/m2) NOTES 1) Fields tdt_diss_rdamp and diss_heat_rdamp can only be output when namelist variable do_conserve_energy =.true. 2) Field teq can be stored as packed data (valid range = 100,400).
FATAL errors in forcing_mod have not called forcing_init You have not called forcing_init before forcing.
Held, I. M., and M. J. Suarez, 1994: A proposal for the intercomparison of the dynamical cores of atmospheric general circulation models. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 75(10), 1825-1830.
This module computes a source-sink term for all prognostic tracers. The source term is a globally uniform surface flux given by namelist variable trflux. The sink term is computed everywhere as coeff*tracer. The default coefficient is given by namelist variable trsink. The behavior of the source-sink term can also be controlled by field_table method "tracer_sms". Examples: "tracer_sms", "NONE" "tracer_sms", "ON", "flux=1.e-3,sink=-2."