Contact: B. Wyman Reviewers: Change history: WebCVS Log for solo/atmos_model.f90
A main program for running a very simple, solo atmospheric model.
This version calls only a very simple atmospheric model interface. It may be used as a main program for several stand-alone atmospheric models, such as a dry dynamical core with Held-Suarez forcing or with shallow water models.
atmosphere_mod time_manager_mod fms_mod mpp_io_mod diag_manager_mod field_manager_mod tracer_manager_mod
This is a main program. There are no callable interfaces. A namelist interface called &main_nml must reside in file input.nml. See the details below.
&main_nml current_time The time (day,hour,minute,second) that the current integration starts with. [integer, dimension(4), default: current_time=0] days The number of days that the current integration will be run for. [integer, default: days=0] hours The number of hours that the current integration will be run for. [integer, default: hours=0] minutes The number of minutes that the current integration will be run for. [integer, default: minutes=0] seconds The number of seconds that the current integration will be run for. [integer, default: seconds=0] dt_atmos Time step in seconds for the atmospheric model. Must be specified. [integer, default: dt_atmos=0] Notes: 1) If no value is set for current_time (or default value specified) then the value from restart file "INPUT/atmos_model.res" will be used. If neither a namelist value or restart file value exist the program will fail. 2) The actual run length will be the sum of days, hours, minutes, and seconds. A run length of zero is not a valid option.
FATAL ERRORS in program atmos_model ntfamily > 0 Tracer families are not allowed. Check your field_table. dt_atmos has not been specified A value must be specified for variable "dt_atmos" in namelist &main_nml. See the namelist documentation for details. invalid base date - must have year = month = 0 There is no calendar associated with this model. The base date retrieved from the diagnostics manager assumes that a year and month exist, this is not allowed. Set the base date year and month to zero in diag_table. initial time is greater than current time If a restart file is present, then the namelist value for either current_time or base time (from diag_table) was incorrectly set. run length must be multiple of atmosphere time step There must be an even number of atmospheric time steps for the requested run length. WARNINGS in program atmos_model final time does not match expected ending time This error should probably not occur because of checks done at initialization time.