Contact: Isaac Held Reviewers: Peter Phillipps
The dynamical core of the spectral transform model for two-dimensional, non-divergent flow on the surface of the sphere.
Integrates the barotropic vorticity equation for nondivergent flow on the sphere using the spectral transform technique. Also allows for the inclusion of a passive tracer advected by the same spectral advection algorithm as the vorticity, and a gridpoint tracer advected with a finite volume algorithm on the transform grid. The default initial condition provided as an example is a zonal flow resembling that in the Northern winter, plus a sinusoidal disurbance localized in midlatitudes. For a full description of the model and algorithms used, see For higher level routines for running this barotropic spectral model, see atmosphere_mod
fms_mod constants_mod time_manager_mod transforms_mod spectral_damping_mod leapfrog_mod fv_advection_mod
use barotropic_dynamics_mod [,only: barotropic_dynamics_init, barotropic_dynamics, barotropic_dynamics_end, dynamics_type, grid_type, spectral_type, tendency_type]
type grid_type real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: u, v, vor, trs, tr, pv real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: stream end type allocated space for grid fields (:,:,:) => (lon, lat, time_level) (:,:) => (lon, lat) (lon, lat) on local computational domain time_level stores the two time levels needed for the leapfrog step u -- eastward velocity (m/s) v -- northward velocity (m/s) vor -- vorticity (1/s) trs -- tracer advected spectrally tr -- tracer advected on grid pv -- absolute vorticity, f + vor, where f = 2*omega*sin(lat) (1/s) stream -- streamfunction (m^2/s) at current time
type spectral_type complex, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: vor, trs end type allocated space for spectral fields (:,:,:) => (zonal, meridional, time_level) vor -- spectral vorticity trs -- spectral tracer
type tendency_type real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u, v, trs, tr end type allocated space for accumulating tendencies, d/dt, in grid space, for prognostic variables (:,:,:) => (lon, lat)
type dynamics_type type(grid_type) :: grid type(spectral_type) :: spec type(tendency_type) :: tend integer :: num_lon, num_lat ! size of global domain logical :: grid_tracer, spec_tracer end type grid_tracer = .true. => tracer with gridpoint advection is beign integrated similarly for spec_tracer
subroutine barotropic_dynamics_init subroutine barotropic _dynamics subroutine barotropic_dynamics_end type (grid_type) type (spectral_type) type (tendency_type) type (dynamics_type)subroutine barotropic_dynamics_init(Dyn, Time, Time_init) type(dynamics_type), intent(inout) :: Dyn type containing all dynamical fields and related information (see type (dynamics_type)) type(time_type) , intent(in) :: Time, Time_init current time and time at which integeration began time_type defined by time_manager_mod Initializes the module; Reads restart from 'INPUT/barotropic_dynamics.res' if Time = Time_init; otherwise uses default initial conditions
subroutine barotropic_dynamics & (Time, Time_init, Dyn, previous, current, future, delta_t) type(time_type) , intent(inout) :: Time, Time_init type(dynamics_type), intent(inout) :: Dyn integer , intent(in ) :: previous, current, future real , intent(in ) :: delta_t previous, current and future = 1 or 2 these integers refer to the third dimension of the three-dimensional fields in Dyn the fields at time t - delta_t are assumed to be in (:,:,previous) the fields at time t are assumed to be in (:,:,current) the fields at time t + delta_t are placed in (:,:,future) overwriting whatever is already there delta_t = time step in seconds updates dynamical fields by one time step
subroutine barotropic_dynamics_end(Dyn, previous, current) type(dynamics_type), intent(inout) :: Dyn integer, intent(in) :: previous, current Terminates module; writes restart file to 'RESTART/barotropic_dynamics.res'
&barotropic_dynamics_nml integer :: num_lat = 128 number of latitudes in global grid integer :: num_lon = 256 number of longitudes in global grid should equal 2*num_lat for Triangular truncation integer :: num_fourier = 85 the retained fourier wavenumber are n*fourier_inc, where n ranges from 0 to num_fourier integer :: num_spherical = 86 the maximum number of meridional modes for any zonal wavenumber for triangular truncation, set num_spherical = num_fourier +1 integer :: fourier_inc = 1 creates a "sector" model if fourier_inc > 1; integration domain is (360 degrees longitude)/fourier_inc (the default values listed above define a standard T85 model) logical :: check_fourier_imag = .false. if true, checks to see if fields to be transformed to grid domain have zero imaginary part to their zonally symmetric modes; useful for debugging logical :: south_to_north = .true. true => grid runs from south to north false => grid runs from north to south logical :: triangular_trunc = .true. true => shape of truncation is triangular false => shape of truncation is rhomboidal real :: robert_coeff = 0.04 x(current) => (1-2r)*x(current) + r*(x(future)+x(previous)) where r = robert_coeff (non-dimensional) real :: longitude_origin = 0.0 longitude of first longitude, in degrees (if you want the westgern boundary of first grid boc to be at 0.0, set longitude_origin = 0.5*360./float(num_lon)) integer :: damping_option = 'resolution_dependent' integer :: damping_order = 4 real :: damping_coeff = 1.e-04 damping = nu*(del^2)^n where n = damping order damping_option = 'resolution_dependent' or 'resolution_independent' = 'resolution_dependent' => nu is set so that the damping rate for the mode (m=0,n=num_spherical-1) equals damping_coeff (in 1/s) For triangular truncation, damping_coeff is then the rate of damping of the highest retained mode = 'resolution_independent' => nu = damping_coef real :: zeta_0 = 8.e-05 integer :: m_0 = 4 real :: eddy_width = 15.0 real :: eddy_lat = 45.0 eddy component of the initial condition is sinusoidal with wavenumber m_0 and with a gaussian distribution of vorticity in latitude, centered at eddy_lat with half-width eddy_width zeta_0 ( 1/s) eddy_width and eddy_lat (degrees) logical :: spec_tracer = .true. logical :: grid_tracer = .true. spec_tracer = true => a passive tracer is carried that is advected spectrally, with the same algorithm as the vorticity grid_tracer = ture => a passive tracer is carried that is advected on the spectral transform grid by a finite-volume algorithm (see ) Both tracers can be carried simultaeneously The vorticity and the tracers are initialized within subroutine barotropic_dynamics_init real, dimension(2) :: valid_range_v = -1000., 1000. A valid range for meridional wind. Model terminates if meridional wind goes outside the valid range. Allows model to terminate gracefully when, for example, the model becomes numerically unstable.
"Dynamics has not been initialized" -- barotropic_dynamics_init must be called before any other routines in the module are called "restart does not exist" -- Time is not equal to Time_init at initalization, but the file 'INPUT/barotropic_dynamics.res' does not exit