Contact: Isaac Held Reviewers: Peter Phillipps
A module that allows one to add processes that act in the grid domain to the dynamics of the barotropic model on the sphere
A module that allows one to add processes that act in the grid domain to the dynamics of the barotropic model on the sphere. Currently, does nothing!
fms_mod transforms_mod time_manager_mod
use barotropic_physics_mod [,only: barotropic_physics_init, barotropic_physics, barotropic_physics_end, phys_type]
type phys_type real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: empty end type fields from physics module made available for diagnostics
subroutine barotropic_physics_init subroutine barotropic_physics subroutine barotropic_physics_end type(phys_type)subroutine barotropic_physics_init(Phys) type(phys_type) , intent(inout) :: Phys Initializes module
subroutine barotropic_physics (Time, dt_ug, dt_vg, ug, vg, & delta_t, previous, current, Phys) real, intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: dt_ug, dt_vg the u and v tendencies onto which tendencies due to the grid-point physics are added (m/(s^2)) real, intent(in) , dimension(:,:, 2) :: ug, vg the grid zonal and meridional velocities (m/s) the third index is the time-index used in the leapfrog step real , intent(in) :: delta_t time step (s) integer, intent(in) :: previous, current = 1 or 2 ug(:,:,previous) is the velocity at t-delta_t ug(:,:,current ) is the velocity at t type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(phys_type), intent(inout) :: Phys
subroutine barotropic_physics_end (Phys) type(phys_type), intent(inout) :: Phys