Routines for creating Gaussian-shaped land surface topography for latitude-longitude grids.
lon | The mean grid box longitude in radians. [real, dimension(:)] |
lat | The mean grid box latitude in radians. [real, dimension(:)] |
zsurf | The surface height (in meters).
The size of this field must be size(lon) by size(lat). [real, dimension(:,:)] |
lon | The mean grid box longitude in radians. [real, dimension(:)] |
lat | The mean grid box latitude in radians. [real, dimension(:)] |
height | Maximum surface height in meters. [real, dimension(scalar)] |
olond, olatd | Position/origin of mountain in degrees longitude and latitude.
This is the location of the maximum height. [real, dimension(scalar)] |
wlond, wlatd | Gaussian half-width of mountain in degrees longitude and latitude. [real, dimension(scalar)] |
rlond, rlatd | Ridge half-width of mountain in degrees longitude and latitude.
This is the elongation of the maximum height. [real, dimension(scalar)] |
zsurf | The surface height (in meters).
The size of the returned field is size(lon) by size(lat). [real, dimension(:,:)] |
height --> ___________________________ / \ / | \ gaussian / | \ sides --> / | \ / olon \ _____/ olat \______ | | | |<-->|<----------->| |wlon| rlon | wlat rlatSee the topography module documentation for a test program.