Routines for creating land surface topography fields and land-water masks for latitude-longitude grids.
blon | The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
blat | The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
zmean | The mean surface height (meters).
The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1. [real, dimension(:,:)] |
get_topog_mean | A logical value of TRUE is returned if the surface height field
was successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned if the
input topography data set was not readable. [logical] |
blon | The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
blat | The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
stdev | The standard deviation of surface height (in meters) within
given input model grid boxes.
The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1. [real, dimension(:,:)] |
get_topog_stdev | A logical value of TRUE is returned if the output field was
successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned if the
input topography data set was not readable. [logical] |
blon | The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
blat | The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
ocean_frac | The fractional amount (0 to 1) of ocean in a grid box.
The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1. [real, dimension(:,:)] |
get_ocean_frac | A logical value of TRUE is returned if the output field
was successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned
if the Navy 1/6 degree percent water data set was not readable. [logical] |
blon | The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
blat | The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
ocean_frac | The fractional amount (0 to 1) of ocean in a grid box.
The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1. [real, dimension(:,:)] |
get_ocean_mask | A logical value of TRUE is returned if the output field
was successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned
if the Navy 1/6 degree percent water data set was not readable. [logical] |
blon | The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
blat | The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
water_frac | The fractional amount (0 to 1) of water in a grid box.
The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1. [real, dimension(:,:)] |
get_water_frac | A logical value of TRUE is returned if the output field
was successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned
if the Navy 1/6 degree percent water data set was not readable. [logical] |
blon | The longitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
blat | The latitude (in radians) at grid box boundaries. [real, dimension(:)] |
water_mask | A binary mask for water (true) or land (false).
The size of this field must be size(blon)-1 by size(blat)-1. [real, dimension(:,:)] |
get_water_mask | A logical value of TRUE is returned if the output field
was successfully created. A value of FALSE may be returned
if the Navy 1/6 degree percent water data set was not readable. [logical] |
record = 1 nlon, nlat record = 2 blon, blat record = 3 datawhere:
nlon, nlat = The number of longitude and latitude points in the horizontal grid. For the 1/6 degree data sets this is 2160 x 1080. [integer] blon, blat = The longitude and latitude grid box boundaries in degrees. [real :: blon(nlon+1), blat(nlat+1)] data = The topography or percent water data. [real :: data(nlon,nlat)]
use topography_mod implicit none integer, parameter :: nlon=24, nlat=18 real :: x(nlon), y(nlat), xb(nlon+1), yb(nlat+1), z(nlon,nlat) real :: hpi, rtd integer :: i,j logical :: a gaussian mountain parameters real, parameter :: ht=4000. real, parameter :: x0=90., y0=45. ! origin in degrees real, parameter :: xw=15., yw=15. ! half-width in degees real, parameter :: xr=30., yr= 0. ! ridge-width in degrees create lat/lon grid in radians hpi = acos(0.0) rtd = 90./hpi ! rad to deg do i=1,nlon xb(i) = 4.*hpi*real(i-1)/real(nlon) enddo xb(nlon+1) = xb(1)+4.*hpi yb(1) = -hpi do j=2,nlat yb(j) = yb(j-1) + 2.*hpi/real(nlat) enddo yb(nlat+1) = hpi mid-point of grid boxes x(1:nlon) = 0.5*(xb(1:nlon)+xb(2:nlon+1)) y(1:nlat) = 0.5*(yb(1:nlat)+yb(2:nlat+1)) test topography_mod routines a = get_topog_mean(xb,yb,z) call printz ('get_topog_mean') a = get_water_frac(xb,yb,z) z = z*100. ! in percent call printz ('get_water_frac') a = get_ocean_frac(xb,yb,z) z = z*100. ! in percent call printz ('get_ocean_frac') test idealized_topog_mod routines a = .true. z = get_gaussian_topog(x,y,ht,x0,y0,xw,yw,xr,yr) call printz ('get_gaussian_topog') call gaussian_topog_init (x,y,z) call printz ('gaussian_topog_init') contains simple printout of topog/water array subroutine printz (lab) character(len=*), intent(in) :: lab if (a) then print '(/a)', trim(lab) else print '(/a)', 'no data available: '//trim(lab) return endif print full grid print '(3x,25i5)', (nint(x(i)*rtd),i=1,nlon) do j=nlat,1,-1 print '(i3,25i5)', nint(y(j)*rtd), (nint(z(i,j)),i=1,nlon) enddo end subroutine printz end program test
Water mask produces some possible erroneous water points along the coast of Antarctic (at about 90W).
Use of netcdf data sets.
Incorporate other topography and ocean data sets.